Racism and the Odyssey: Translating the Colour of Odysseus' Skin

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This article makes two arguments: (1) a specific argument about two passages in the 16th and 19th songs of the Odyssey; (2) a general argument about the dangers involved in translations of classical texts. In the specific argument it is shown that translators have (with a single exception) distorted Greek terms for skin colour, and, by doing so, they enable racist agendas to gain support from their translations. The general argument is that in questions that are the subject of controversy and discussion in the 21st century translators of classical texts have to be careful to recognise their own preconceptions and prejudices to ensure that the translations are not used for detrimental purposes.
TidsskriftUniversite de Copenhague. Institut du Moyen-Age Grec et Latin. Cahiers
Sider (fra-til)1-24
StatusUdgivet - 2023

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