Visiting Professor at CoRe: Stanley Ulijaszek
From January to April 2017 professor Stanley Ulijaszek, University of Oxford, will join Copenhagen Centre for Health Research in the Humanities (CoRe) as a visiting professor. He will be accommodated through the Nordea-fonden Residence Programme.

Professor Stanley Ulijaszek
Strategic opportunities
Professor Ulijaszek is a highly respected researcher within nutritional anthropology and obesity research, and the affiliation will be a tremendous contribution to the research and educational activities at Copenhagen Centre for Health Research in the Humanities (CoRe).
Additionally, being an experienced interdisciplinary researcher, the affiliation of professor Ulijaszek offers strategic opportunities for planning new joint transnational and interdisciplinary research proposals and bids within the field of health research from a social sciences and humanities perspective.
Strengthening CoRe’s activities
With the Nordea-fonden housing grant for an apartment at Heerings Gaard, Christianshavn, professor Ulijaszek will be based in Copenhagen from January 5th to April 9th, 2017.
Professor Ulijaszek will support and further improve the obesity research at CoRe, and he will also strengthen CoRe’s activities in the interdisciplinary UCPH Excellence research project Governing Obesity as well as the UCPH Strategic Platform for Lifestyle, Obesity and Metabolism (LOM), including:
- a presentation on global inequalities in childhood obesity,
- take part in and advice the organizing committee for the 2017 LOM conference in May 2017 for researchers and stakeholders, and
- contribute to development of an international network for social and cultural studies of obesity.
You can have a closer look at Professor Ulijaszek’s research profile at