Visiting PhD Fellow from the Basque Country
From September 2016 and three months onwards Josu Hernando, PhD Fellow from the Basque Government, Universidad del País Vasco, UPV-EHU, will be visiting PhD Fellow at CoRe.

Josu Hernando
Josu Hernando is working on his doctoral project which seeks to gain a deeper insight into the fertility transition in the Basque Country during the Franco Regime, 1940-1970s. By the 1940s, the fertility decline was already on its way following the gradual extension of literacy but during the dictatorship, it experienced a marked decrease with large socio-economic and regional differences.
In order to study this period of diversification of fertility behavior, this project aims to study the main cities, Donosti and Bilbao (with 100,000 and 190,000 inhabitants, respectively), smaller-size towns over 20.000 inhabitants as well as rural municipalities.
The project uses a variety of sources, combining individual level information collected from municipal quinquennial population counts, vital registration (births and infant deaths) as well as published information from censuses and other published sources.
Some of the major themes examined in this work are the evolution and measurement of the fertility decline as well as an investigation of the variations in fertility behaviour, particular looking at urban-rural differences, migration and social status.
On September 13th at 12 am Josu will present his project at a BioHistory Seminar in room 12.3.07. All interested are welcome to join the seminar.
Read more about the BioHistory Seminar: "The fertility transition in the Basque Country during Franco's Regime (1940-1970)".