2 June 2017

New industrial PhD at CoRe

New project

The Innovation Fund Denmark has granted the project “Online Besøgsven” an industrial PhD with the title: “Udvikling af en social online-platform til forebyggelse af ensomhed hos seniorer”. (English: Development of a social online-platform to prevent loneliness amongst seniors).

The PhD project is carried out in a collaboration between connec ApS and Copenhagen Center for Health Research in the Humanities (CoRe) and Center for Healthy Aging (CEHA) at the University of Copenhagen. Nanette B. Fournier fills the position as Industrial PhD.

The main idea of “Online Besøgsven” is to utilise the technologies surrounding us in everyday life (a social platform) and to educate volunteers to create a meaningful dialog based on interests defined by the user. The project will first be launched in five Danish municipalities.

Astrid Pernille Jespersen, Associate Professor at the SAXO institute, leader of CoRe and team leader at CEHA is excited to participate in an innovative project within the field of the research center. She explains that it is a rare opportunity to combine the humanistic research at the center with a specific project that aims to develop and improve welfare and is created by a private company.