19 December 2018

Listen to Professor Stanley Ulijaszek present his research on models in obesity

In December, CoRe had a visit from a group of researchers from the Unit for Biocultural Variation and Obesity (UBVO) at Institute of Social & Cultural Anthropology, University of Oxford. The visit included a seminar, at which the visiting researchers presented on aspects of their current work.

The speakers at the seminar were:

  • Tess Bird (Wesleyan University): Locating Everyday Uncertainty in the [American] Home
  • Stanley Ulijaszek (University of Oxford): Models in obesity and obesity-related health studies
  • Karin Eli (University of Warwick): Understanding eating disorders: clinical measures, lived experience and big data

We want to thank all of you that attended the seminar.

If you could not reach the seminar or would like to hear it again, you can hear Stanley Ulijaszek present his work on models in obesity here.