Aske Juul Lassen receives gerontology prize
On October 3rd 2014 Aske Juul Lassen received the Kirsten Avlund Gerontological Prize at the Danish Gerontological Society Conference in Middelfart, Fionia. The prize is a 10.000 DKK awarded to a young and promising research within the field of gerontology.
- Through ethnographic studies of the everyday life of elderly and documentation studies of policy papers and theories on ageing Aske has shown how active ageing is at the same time problematic and contains the potential to create good senior lives, the prize committee states and continues:
- Aske has also demonstrated that he is a motivated, dedicated, and entrepreneurial researcher and communicator within the field of gerontology, and with his very present topic (active ageing) and interdisciplinary orientation he deserves an encouragement in the form of the Kirsten Avlund Prize for continuing his work within gerontology.

Aske Juul Lassen receiving the Kirsten Avlund Gerontology Prize, 2014. Foto: Eva Jepsen.
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The Kirsten Avlund Prize
To commemorate deceased professor in gerontology and occupational therapist, Kirsten Avlund, Danish Gerontological Society has instituted a prize. The prize of 10.000 DKK is donated by DanAge Association (Ældresagen) and the family of Kirsten Avlund.
The prize is awarded to a researcher who has obtained the PhD degree within the last three years, with a gerontological relevant topic, and continues to work within gerontology.