Composing cultural analysis

Activity: Participating in an event - typesOrganisation of and participation in conference

Aske Juul Lassen - Organizer

Focus of the course is the composing of cultural analysis on the basis of a heterogeneous ethnographic material and by way of using different analytical strategies and theoretical approaches; how does one get from field notes, observations, source materials, visualisations, transcriptions and insights from the field and archival work to the further steps of crafting cultural analysis? We will discuss different analytical strategies and how to deploy and explore theoretical approaches in meaningful ways in order to make a good cultural analytical story or narration. Taking inspiration from the Swedish PhD ‘textinternat’, we will work closely with the participants’ own texts. The participants should prepare a paper (max. 20 pages) containing a cultural analysis, which we will discuss in smaller groups during the seminar. 8 researchers from the ethnological departments of University of Lund and University of Copenhagen as well as from Department of Learning and Philosophy (The Techno-Anthropology Research Group) and Department for Culture and Global Studies, Aalborg University, will work with the students in small groups of 5 students each. These sessions will be supplemented with small presentations of the participating researchers, focusing on examples of ethnological analyses from their own work. Teachers & course coordinators: Marie Sandberg (course coordinator KU), Astrid Pernille Jespersen (course coordinator KU), Aske Juul Lassen (course coordinator KU), Tom O’Dell (course coordinator LU), Orvar Löfgren (LU), Markus Idvall (LU), Karin Salomonsson (LU), Kristoffer Hansson (LU), Robert Willim, Fredrik Nilsson (LU), Morten Krogh Petersen (AAU), Anders Kristian Munk (AAU) & Carina Ren (AAU).
16 Aug 201517 Aug 2015


OtherComposing cultural analysis
LocationLund University

ID: 161188710